Travel EYE April - June 2011

03.05.2011 | 17:32

Dear readers, according to the Czech proverb, which says: “March – we get behind the stove, April – we’ll still be there”, we should stay at home and wait for the steamy days of summer. But that would be a shame. We’ll take you through a beautiful Czech spring, with its heady aromas and bright, colourful flowers.

 When the weather’s fine, you can take a ride on your bike through this wonderful countryside, visit town festivals, take a ride on a steam train, or set out for a walk and listen to wind-chimes on the way. And if it happens to rain, there’s no need to be sad, as the legends say that the April rains will keep you as young as a Czech spa will. Just take us up on our invitation and come and see…
Jolana Uhlířová, Editor

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