Travel EYE March–June 2020

25.02.2020 | 20:53

Dear Readers,
The springtime is here again, undoubtedly the most beautiful time of the year. It is fascinating to observe the transformation of nature from bare trees to timid buds and the ever-present soothing greenery. The first snowdrops are shyly peeping at us in the gardens and the birds are beginning to entice us for walks in the nature with their singing.
And even though this inimitable natural theater is repeated every year, we will never have enough, just as of our beautiful country, which also attracts for spring trips.
The Czech Republic offers you countless opportunities to enjoy beautiful days full of spring sunshine. We have prepared for you a wide range of places that literally invite you for visit. You can look forward to our traditional Easter celebrations, with unusual traditions that you will not experience anywhere else. In addition, we assembled for you many invitations to castles, chateaux, religious monuments and most importantly you will get to know our beautiful towns and hospitable countryside. And you can be sure that you will never forget Spring in Czechia..

Marcela Kohoutová, managing editor

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