Brno and Its Surrounding from the Bird‘s Eye View

29.06.2008 | 22:59
Brno and Its Surrounding from the Bird‘s Eye View

Brno and Its Surrounding from the Bird‘s Eye ViewIt has become very fashionable to climb various watch towers, view towers or other spots with a nice outlook lately. We would like to inspire you to climbing to the heavens in Brno and its surrounding. You can manage the bird‘s eye view sightseeing of the city called “6 in 1“ easily in one day, and see Brno from different angles.


In the very centre of the town you can find almost 63 metres high View Tower of the Old Townhall from where you can watch a historical centre, the castle of Špilberk and the cathedral of St. Peter and Paul.

Brno and Its Surrounding from the Bird‘s Eye View

The Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul is another place where you can almost touch the clouds. If the weather is nice, you can see even the Alps peaks.

In the corner tower of the Špilberk castle, there is another viewpoint with another view to the town. After climbing 103 stairs you can admire the very historical heart of Brno with all its dominants and outer parts as well, and if the weather is nice, you can see a famous silhouette of Pálava in the south. The watchful visitors will for sure find an UNESCO monument among Černá Pole buildings – the villa Tugendhat.

Brno and Its Surrounding from the Bird‘s Eye View

In the northeastern part of the town, the fourth place of interest with a beautiful view can be found: the Hády Hill.

The only watch tower open to public in Brno is the Watch Tower in Soběšice in the northern part of the city, which was opened this year.

Brno and Its Surrounding from the Bird‘s Eye View

Outside of the city, but still in the reach of the public transport, the Watch Tower Babí lom can be found on the rock cliff. To the south you can see Brno panorama with the Špilberk castle, and when the weather is fine, the peaks of the Drahanská vrchovina, Žďárské vrchy and Ždánický les highlands, as well as Pálava can be also seen from there.

Brno and Its Surrounding from the Bird‘s Eye View

Touristic Information Centre In Brno
IC Radnická 8 (Stará radnice)
Tel.: +420 542 211 090

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