Poláček country – paradise for children

01.07.2010 | 00:00
Poláček country – paradise for children

Poláček country – paradise for childrenThe holidays are in full swing and you don’t known where to take the kids? Come to Rychnov nad Kněžnou and combine business with pleasure!


Poláček country – paradise for childrenA walk along the new circuit “Bylo nás pět” (“There Were Five of Us”), inspired by the work of K. Poláček, is not only fun, but also educational. And if you are heading out on the trail of “Zilvar” or “Kemlinka”, don’t miss out on a visit to some of Rychnov’s main monuments. In the Judaism in Podorlicko Museum in the local synagogue you can of the take a look back at the unsettled fate of the Jews and see the Poláček Memorial. The magical world of the Toy Museum awaits you on Staré náměstí. History lovers will enjoy Kolowrat Chateau with the Church of the Holy Trinity and the nearby bell-tower, which contains the third largest bell in Bohemia, known as Kryštof.
On 27th-28th August in the chateau park and neighbouring Poláčkové náměstí you can attend the Dividílkování – a festival of small street theatre performances accompanied by a fair and demonstrations of craftwork.
From 9th July to 20th August - always on Fridays from 5.00 p.m. there will be a theatre program in the courtyard of the Pelclovo divadlo Theatre, specially for children.
After spending the day sightseeing (from 16th August) you can anjoy some active relaxation in the new indoor swimming pool in the nearby BR SPORT CENTRE (tennis, squash, badminton, etc.)

Poláček country – paradise for children Poláček country – paradise for children Poláček country – paradise for children Poláček country – paradise for children

Poláček country – paradise for children Poláček country – paradise for children Poláček country – paradise for children

Poláček country – paradise for children Poláček country – paradise for children Poláček country – paradise for children

Don’t hesitate and come for a visit, the Gateway to the Ore Mountains is open…

Municipal Information Centre
Svatohavelská 105
516 01 Rychnov nad Kněžnou
tel.: +420 494 539 027
e-mail: mic@rychnov-city.cz

Text on view from Tourist magazine Poláček country – paradise for children

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