Plzeň ZOO – Totally Another World

31.08.2008 | 17:51
Plzeň ZOO – Totally Another World

Plzeň ZOO – Totally Another WorldZoological garden in Pilsen is very popular in summers. And no wonder. With the rock parts and island yards in the river Mže valley belongs to one of the most beautiful zoological areas in Bohemia. It is the second oldest ZOO in the Czech Republic and more than 1 700 species are being bred here, most of them you probably haven‘t seen yet. You will discover a totally another world in the Pilsen ZOO. Come and see!

The World of Animals and Plants
When in 1981 the ZOO joined the neighbouring botanical garden, zoological expositions connected with hundreds of rare plants and trees. And building zoogeografical expositions started as well. Animals live here in surroundings which correspond to their natural milieu in wilderness. They are divided from visitors only by a minimum of natural fences. You can visit Madagaskar, Sonor desert, American or African prairie, and many more exotic places here.

Plzeň ZOO – Totally Another World

Where to Get More Information?
You should reserve all day for a visit to the Pilsen ZOO. Before you visit it, you can also watch an interactive map which can be found together with detail information about individual zoogeografical areas on

Plzeň ZOO – Totally Another World

How to Get to the ZOO?
Quite easily, the ZOO is situated next to the centre, it has two entrances and all driveways are marked with black and white arrows with a camel. It is only several stops from the centre by the trams 1 or 4. At the weekends you can use also a pleasure train from náměstí Republiky Place.

Plzeň ZOO – Totally Another World

What is Good to Know?
The biggest bear-garden in Bohemia, lovely youngs of the white leopard, or several rare dragon lizards belong among the rarities. You can meet monkeys almost everywhere in the ZOO, lemurs are not only in their home exposition, but they can freely move about the ZOO and make friends with visitors. Among favourite expositions can be found a real country farm Luftnerka with domestic animals, which you can stroke or together with a tender feed. You shouldn‘t miss either commented feeding of pinguins, monkeys or beasts.

Plzeň ZOO – Totally Another World

A unique excursion to the Mesozoic era can be experienced in Dinopark. There are more than 40 prehistoric life-size lizards in their natural environment in the way they lived on this planet many millions years ago.

Plzeň ZOO – Totally Another World

Falcon Training
You shouldn‘t miss shows of free birds of prey flying. You can see on your own eyes commented falcon and eagle training in the greatest open air amphitheatre in the Czech Republic.

Japanese Garden
You can have a rest and meditate in the Japanese Garden which a Japanese architect Eishim Herrada has built from the stones transported from Japan under one hundred years old aok. Stone symbolism in the form of a rowan expresses the message of peace and friendship


Plzeň ZOO – Totally Another World

Plzeň ZOO – Totally Another World
Plzeň ZOO – Totally Another World

Information Centre of Pilsen Town
nám. Republiky 41, 301 16 Plzeň
Tel.: +420 378 035 330

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