Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument

01.01.2010 | 01:01
Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument

In the Czech Republic this is the only institution of its kind whose mission is to maintain the memory of the victims of the racial and political persecution in the years of the Nazi occupation. It pursues museum, gallery and educational activities, drawing hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.

Exhibitions in 2010

Lenka Vilhelmová – graphics
Jan. 14 – Apr. 30, foyer of the projection hall of the Small Fortress

Hanalisa Omer – paintings, drawings
Feb. 11 – May 20, foyer of the projection hall of the Ghetto Museum

Martin Tomášek – drawings, paintings, sculptures
Mar. 4 – Apr. 28, exhibition grounds of the Fourth Yard of the Small Fortress

Jaromír Másler – paintings, Karel Peřina - sculptures
Apr. 15 – Aug. 20, exhibition grounds of the Fourth Yard of the Small Fortress

Art exhibition from the collections and acquisitions of the Memorial (2004 – 2009)
May 6 – Jul. 31, exhibition grounds of the Fourth Yard of the Small Fortress

Documentary exhibition on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the liberation
May 6 – Sep.12, foyer of the projection hall of the Small Fortress

Jim Schantz – paintings and Nadia Rovderová – photographs
May 25 – Sep. 22, foyer of the projection hall of the Ghetto Museum

Lenka Vilhelmová – graphics (continuation of the exhibition)
Aug. 5 – Oct. 31, exhibition grounds of the Fourth Yard of the Small Fortress

Martin Tomášek – drawings, paintings, sculptures
Sep. 2 – Oct. 27, exhibition grounds of the Fourth Yard of the Small Fortress

Radek and Zdeněk Květoň - photographs
Sep. 16 – Dec. 31, foyer of the projection hall of the Small Fortress

D. Abrhámová, D. Barkey, I. Grimmová, Y. Livay – paintings, drawings, graphics
Oct. 7 – Feb. 28, foyer of the projection hall of the Ghetto Museum

Events in 2010

Apr. 12, Event commemorating holocaust victims - Jom Ha´shoa

Apr. 30, Commemoration of the last execution in the Small Fortress

May 16, Terezín remembrance ceremony at the National Cemetery

Jun. 6, Concert, Ludwig v. Beethoven,, Small Fortress

Jun. 14 – 15, Conference for the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the “Police Prison in the Small Fortress”

Jun. 25, Commemoration ceremony on the occasion of Milada Horáková’s execution

Sep. 5, Kever avot remembrance ceremony at the Jewish Cemetery

Dec. 22, Commemoration ceremony on the occasion of Milada Horáková’s birthday

For current and more detailed information check www.pamatnik-terezin.cz

Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument

Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument

Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument

Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument Terezín Memorial – National Cultural Monument

Památník Terezín
Principova alej 304, 411 55 Terezín
tel.: +420 416 782 225, 416 782 442,
416 782 131
mobil: +420 604 241 179, 606 632 914
e-mail: pamatnik@pamatnik-terezin.cz

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