Travel EYE January - June 2013

01.01.2013 | 00:00

Dear readers, Welcome to the year 2013. It seems we have all survived 12 December 2012, as it once again was not the end of the world. This is a good thing; if some end to this world is to take place someday, may that day be as far away as possible. I assume that you have all enjoyed a beautiful and peaceful Christmas and New Year; and that you have committed to an amazing New Year’s resolution.

Don’t worry about the fact that you again may fall short on your resolution. Instead of such wistful thinking, simply make yourself a cup of grog or mulled wine and browse our new magazine. Once again you will be convinced that this is a beautiful season in our country. Choose from our tips on travel destinations and go see for yourself what this country off ers. In face of certain challenges with distribution abroad, from this year forward this magazine will be published only twice per year.

We wish you a beautiful 2013.

Marcela Kohoutová

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