Travel EYE November - February 2015

29.10.2014 | 00:00

Dear Readers,
Summer has definitely left us, and dreary autumn has set in. The days have grown shorter, the sun barely shows itself, and most of us have developed the down feeling of autumn.

Instead of depression and dreary moods, prepare grog or mulled wine and read our new magazine. You will again be convinced that the entire year is pleasant with us.

You will see that advent and Christmas in the Czech Republic have a unique atmosphere, associated with the aroma of mulled wine and sweets, beautifully decorated trees and the sounds of Christmas carols. You can have both an enjoyable Christmas and a fun New Year’s Eve celebra- tion or enjoy a great winter vacation in our mountains, full of excellent ski slopes and pleasant hotels. Select from our vacation tips, and take a look at what our beautiful country in the heart of Europe has to offer.

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year in 2015.

Marcela Kohoutová

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Nesouhlas se zpracováním Vašich osobních údajů byl zaznamenán.

Váš záznam bude z databáze Vydavatelstvím KAM po Česku s.r.o. vymazán neprodleně, nejpozději však v zákonné lhůtě.

Váš hlas byl započítán. Děkujeme.