Travel EYE March - June 2015

27.02.2015 | 16:16

Dear Readers,
Welcome to 2015. As it turned out, we all survived Christmas and the arrival of the New Year. Most of us probably piled on a few pounds during these holidays, which I prefer to call the days of gluttony, although let’s not despair. This is why we have our new issue of Travel Eye, which brings you forthcom- ing Easter and in addition spring, which is already just around the corner. Our spring tips for amazing trips mean that you can now get out to the countryside and get rid of those extra fatty bits. So once again you can see for yourself the beauty that our small country has to offer.

In addition, we have prepared some changes in the graphics and some new columns. In the future, we want you to fi nd more interesting information in our magazine to make your reading even more enjoyable and to inspire you to visit the Czech Republic.

Marcela Kohoutová, managing editor

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Nesouhlas se zpracováním Vašich osobních údajů byl zaznamenán.

Váš záznam bude z databáze Vydavatelstvím KAM po Česku s.r.o. vymazán neprodleně, nejpozději však v zákonné lhůtě.

Váš hlas byl započítán. Děkujeme.