Easter at the mill in South Bohemia

23.03.2015 | 21:36
Easter at the mill in South Bohemia

Despite the hard life in Šumava Podlesí, people fi nd the time to congregate behind the threshing area on the fifth Sunday of lent to carry death out of the village. The girls then return with a straw doll, which represents the coming summer. Traditions associated with the Easter holidays are part of the permanent exhibition in Hoslovice Mill, 17 km from Strakonice.

You can see the rattles that the boys used to carry around the village at Easter, which replaced the bells that fell silent. Also on display are traditional Easter hot-cross buns, ornate Easter eggs dyed with onion peel and the fi gurine of Judas that used to be burned by children in some villages on Good Friday or White Saturday.

Come and enjoy an unconventional charming and magical Easter on 28 March from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.

We have prepared demonstrations of various egg decorating techniques, weaving of the Easter whips, baking and tasting of the hot-cross buns, preparation and tasting of the traditional „pučálka“ (meal of germinated peas), sales of Easter decorations and spring games for children.

The fasting period, the pagan rituals and traditional decorations, including Easter eggs, can be found at the great Easter exhibition from 11 March to 6 April in the complex of Strakonice Castle.

Come and experience it yourself!

For more information: www.muzeum-st.cz

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