Christmas in Třešť with nativity scenes

02.11.2015 | 20:35
Christmas in Třešť with nativity scenes

The Christmas holidays are undoubtedly one of the most beautiful times of the year. Few other times of the year are cloaked in as many superstitions, customs and traditions as Christmas.

Winter in Třešť traditionally features the exhibition of nativity scenes. The permanent exhibition of Christmas nativity scenes is held from 4 December to 2 February in Schumpeter’s house. Visitors can purchase Christmas gifts, decorated gingerbreads and Christmas decorations. The permanent exhibition includes the two largest Třešť nativity scenes. One of the nativity scenes has been a “work in progress” since 2002 as each carver attending the wood carving festival must contribute one figure. This nativity scene currently has over 900 figures.

Each year from 26 December to 2 February, the traditional nativity exhibition is also extended to various Třešť households, as well as in the Church of St. Catherine of Siena, in the Castle Hotel, in the company Podzimek and sons, in the Museum of Vysočina, and of course, in Schumpeter’s house. Visitors to the town of Třešť can also visit house holds proudly displaying about 20 nativity scenes. The traditional nativity trail is a phenomenon that is unprecedented in our country. Come to Třešť to see for yourself. Each year, thousands of visitors flock to the nativity trail.

The nativity trail map and more information is available from the TIC (press and information centre) Třešť.

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