Travel EYE July - October 2016

24.06.2016 | 14:10

Dear Readers,
The long awaited summer has finally arrived. The sunshine, blue sky and blooming gardens are here to remind us that we should pause for a moment and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. So far, the weather has been very changeable: sun, rain, wind, thunder and even floods. We cannot guarantee that you will experience only good weather in the Czech Republic but we can certainly guarantee beautiful scenery, interesting towns, unforgettable sights and of course, culinary delights. The diversity of what the Czech summer has to off er is ideal for those who are more or less active or at least for an extended weekend break. Do you enjoy castle and chateau tours, swimming, cycling, hiking and folklore or would you rather sit in a cosy pub? We have something for everyone, so all you have to do is to choose. Our magazine off ers a wide range of activities for warm or rainy days. You are cordially invited to spend the summer in the Czech Republic.

Marcela Kohoutová, managing editor

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Nesouhlas se zpracováním Vašich osobních údajů byl zaznamenán.

Váš záznam bude z databáze Vydavatelstvím KAM po Česku s.r.o. vymazán neprodleně, nejpozději však v zákonné lhůtě.

Váš hlas byl započítán. Děkujeme.