Prácheň Museum in Písek

29.06.2017 | 23:15

When the Committee of the European Council appreciated the Museum of Prácheň in Písek with an honorary prize “European Museum of the Year” in 1996, the absolute majority of Czech and foreign visitors stated that it was fully legitimate. Perfectly arranged expositions in modern design provide plastic illustrations of the Písek region.

The visitors can fi nd there many themes such as Prehistory and Slavic Age, Beginnings of the castle and the city of Písek, History of the region, Protected areas, Mineral resources, Cultural traditions of the Písek region, Gold in the river Otava basin, Fishes and fi shery.The museum in Písek – today Museum of Prácheň – was established in 1884, in the period of general revival of Czech national society. First the museum was located in various buildings in the city and after 1902, when army left the former King’s castle, the museum moved its collection to this object. At this time it was managed by prof. August Sedláček, famous historian, author of a monumental 15-volume work Castles and Fortresses of the Kingdom of Bohemia.

In the beginning, the museum was using only the gothic castle, offi ce and six rooms. Gradual expansion of collections called for other rooms in the former castle and military barrack that serve now for expositions, exhibitions, as a depository and also as a background for specialists and the technical personnel. In the course of the years, other affi liated organisations joined the museum in Písek: Memorial of Adolf Heyduk, in fact a part of the well-preserved apartment of the poet from the circle of Májovci, representing a furnished apartment of the fi rst third of the 20th century, the Memorial of the city of Protivín, which documents local history and where a permanent exposition Exotic Nature has been built, and an observation tower in the Nature Reserve Řežabinec with Řežabinec pool, that is used particularly for continuous ornithological research.

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