Tatra Technical Museum in Kopřivnice

19.11.2017 | 21:32
Tatra Technical Museum in Kopřivnice

The Technical Museum provides a unique opportunity to explore the history of the famous TATRA car manufacturer under one roof. The exhibition has seven multilingual video boxes where visitors can learn everything there is to know about the history of Tatra. Smartphone owners can also access a lot of fascinating information via QR codes.

The museum has 70 cars, countless models, engines and rarities from across the world on show. The most popular and most interesting exhibit includes the reconstruction of the fi rst automobile in Austria-Hungary called the “Präsident”, which is a true copy of the original. Known among the people as the “horseless carriage”, it was manufactured in Kopřivnice in the late 19th century. Other original attractions include a small Tatra 11 from 1923, which was the fi rst to be built using the typical, globally known and still recognized TATRA construction concept with a tubular backbone, swinging semi-axles and an air-cooled engine. The Aerosaně V 855 from 1942 was the fi rst prototype of the small aerodynamic V 570 car, which is strikingly reminiscent of the VW Beetle. The Tatra 600 Tatraplan convertible built for Stalin in 1949, the Tatra 87, which became famous due to the adventures of Hanzelka and Zikmund, a replica of the fi rst lorry from 1898, the most famous truck in Tatra history – the Tatra 111, dispatching trucks, an eighteen- cylinder tank engine, a railroad handcar and the greatest exhibit and a National Cultural Heritage – the express train carriage the Slovak Bullet (Slovenská Strela) from 1936, which welcomes visitors at the entrance to the museum.

Part of the Tatra Technical Museum includes a unique exposition of Dana and Emil Zátopek, the phenomenal Czech Olympians.

Tatra Technical Museum in Kopřivnice
Záhumenní 367/1, 742 21 Kopřivnice
Opening hours – annual
May – September 9.00–17.00
April – October 9.00–16.00
(open daily except Mondays)
tel.: +420 556 808 421
e-mail: recepce@tatramuseum.cz

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