Festival Summer in Tábor

24.06.2019 | 21:14
Festival Summer in Tábor

We invite you to Tábor, the second largest town in South Bohemia, reachable from Prague in an hour either by car on a highway or by a direct train connection. In addition to visiting sights and museums, you can also enjoy some of summer festivals that include musicians, jugglers and Hussite fi ghters. Get inspired by the summer program in Tábor.

14. 7. Bohemia Jazz Fest
One of the largest summer jazz festivals in Europe promoting the top class jazz music within the Czech Republic showing best world jazz music played on historical squares of Czech towns.

12.–14. 7. Mighty Sounds
The best of punk-rock, rock´n´roll, punk, reggae, hc, ska and rockabilly Mighty Sounds is a  unique international threeday music festival organized annually in July. It is mainly focused on punk and punk-rock, rock’n’roll, hardcore, reggae, ska, rockabilly, indie rock. In short, nothing that would remind you of the “Czech festival classics”.

2.–4. 8. Comedians in the streets
Street theatre festival Street artists can take you over to their world of beautiful arts that is a symbol of freedom and joy of life. The international festival Comedians in the streets was founded in 2011 and with its dramatics tries to bring the most recent trends in world street art. Its main domain was circus art, clowns, dumb show, puppets, motion theatre, interactive performance, workshops and music.

13.–15. 9. Táborská setkání (Tábor Gatherings)
An international historical festival in which Hussite chants and swords rattle are heard, mead is poured, the sky fl ashes from fireworks and the square vibrates with excellent concerts. There is also a marketplace, a medieval hospital, and a children’s paradise.


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