Visit the town of Zbiroh

26.02.2020 | 17:11
town of Zbiroh

The town of Zbiroh is situated in the charming countryside between Pilsen and Prague. The first mention of Zbiroh dates back to the early 13th century. The town and the whole region are undoubtedly dominated by the Zbiroh Chateau.

The original early Gothic castle was later rebuilt into a Neo-Renaissance Chateau. Zbiroh is also referred to as the “Castle of the Three Emperors” – Charles IV, Zikmund, and Rudolph II. The chateau is open all year round. The man-made deepest well in Europe, one of the oldest chapels in Bohemia, and the free-standing tower, visible from far away, are all open to the public. In the middle of the square, on the site of the former birth house of the Zbiroh native J. V. Sládek, you can visit the Museum of J. V. Sládek and the Zbiroh Municipal Museum, that maps the development of iron and steel industry at Zbiroh, the extinct nailsmith’s craft and the “King of Railways” B. H. Strousberg. The permanent exhibition further reminds a small factory of Václav Jíša on smoking equipments. Its part is also the rural room furnished with antique country-style painted furniture from the 19th century. There is also the Fire Brigade Exposition in the town, which is the largest professional museum dedicated to fire fighters in the Czech Republic. The museum is open to the public from May to the end of September and the admission is free. The Zbiroh Region has excellent conditions for hiking and cycling.

 photography © Petr Prášil

Chateau Zbiroh Zbiroh

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