Easter in Podlesí

26.02.2020 | 17:20
Easter in Podlesí

We invite you to visit the Watermill in Hoslovice (only 17 km away from Strakonice), which comes to life with the arrival of Spring and Easter. Its visit will take you back into distant past.

The authentic image of life at the mill is reminiscent by original farm equipment with functional grinding equipment and area with house animals. You will be impressed as well by the incredible life story of the Harant family, the last millers. The atmosphere is illustrated by regular craft events with bread baking and tasting, demonstrations of craft and agricultural production, a program for children and habits at the Podlesí region in Šumava presented in an ethnographic exposition.
We also offer guided tours, information center services and free admission for children under 6 years.

Craft events at the mill:
Easter Celebration    4. 4.
Building Maypole    2. 5.
Mrs. Miller’s household    23. 5.
Open day    18. 5.
The furnace did (not) fall    20. 6.
Children’s Day    11. 7.
Harvest Home    15. 8.
Woodworking Day    19. 9.
Autumn walks in the door    17. 10.

Opening hours: March–April, September–October: Tuesday–Sunday 9am – 4pm, June–August: daily 9am – 5 pm.


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