The Central Bohemian royal town of Kolín looks forward to your visit

21.06.2024 | 07:28

A royal town built on the Christian and Jewish traditions that is known for its unique religious monuments and modern architecture alike. Whether you arrive in Kolín by bike, by train, by car, or on foot, you can expect to find a whole host of beautiful and as yet undiscovered places.  And what is more, the whole of the wider Kolín area is home to so many monuments with captivating stories.

The dominant feature of the town, and indeed its most valued architectural monument, is St. Bartholomew’s Hillock (Bartolomějské návrší). Here, in addition to the Cathedral of St. Bartholomew itself, you will discover an ossuary, a bell tower with a view of the town, the old parish school, and a range of historically-significant features, such as those at the former town cemetery or the town walls. Take a seat amidst the greenery of the outer bailey gardens, balm for the eyes and the soul.
Neither should you miss out on Jerusalem on the Elbe (Jeruzalém na Labi), the Jewish jewel in the crown of Kolín, where you can visit the former Jewish ghetto, the synagogue, and the unique old Jewish cemetery.  This year marks the 601st anniversary of the first mention of a synagogue in Kolín and you can take a wander round the permanent exhibition, “They lived here with us” (Žili tu s námi), and the current exhibitions alike.  
If you like looking at the world from above, don’t forget to pay a visit to the Water Tower (Vodárna) viewing tower in Kolín. All those that love great views and technical monuments are invited to this unique technical and architectural monument of interwar architecture.
The mostly-flat landscape here is a magnet for cycling, the area intersected by one of the most beautiful and most enjoyable cycling routes in Europe - the Labe-Elbe Cycling Trail.
The Kolín area is an easy-going place, one that is sure to appeal to sightseers and cyclists of all types. Come visit us!

photo © Mííra Lachec

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