Travel EYE July–October 2024

21.06.2024 | 07:30

Dear readers,
a holiday in the Czech Republic is an experience, especially if you avoid the tourist-crowded places. These are found in tourist guides, likely compiled by artificial intelligence. However, we have an invitation for you to cities and places that offer much more. The Czech Republic boasts 610 cities, 78 mountain ranges ruled by 12 mountain kings, holidays around 100 rivers, 26 lakes, or 140 ponds larger than 50 hectares. You can enjoy views from 400 lookout towers, conquer 3,200 castles, fortresses, and ruins, visit 770 chateaux, castle parks, and arboretums. You will be guided by 44,000 kilometers of hiking trails, more than 40,000 kilometers of cycling routes, horse trails, or waterways. We are a safe destination, offering visitors a rich history closely connected with the surrounding countries of Germany, Austria, Poland, and Slovakia. You can find these historical ties throughout the Czech Republic in ethnographic collections, open-air museums, language, and cuisine. Accept our invitation to the most beautiful areas, where protected nature offers active rest, walks, and tranquility. The invitations of the cities encompass hospitality, knowledge, entertainment, and the necessary facilities. Welcome to our country.

Luděk Sládek, Editor-in-Chief

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Váš záznam bude z databáze Vydavatelstvím KAM po Česku s.r.o. vymazán neprodleně, nejpozději však v zákonné lhůtě.

Váš hlas byl započítán. Děkujeme.