Travel EYE December 2007

28.11.2007 | 23:41

You are now holding the first number of the first year´s edition of the tourist magazine Travel EYE in your hands. As the title itself expresses it is not a common eye but a traveller´s eye. Through it you can travel with us around in the Czech and Moravian meads and groves. You can reach mountain ridges, river valleys and visit various regions, towns and villages that you probably had no idea existed – until now.

You can read a new edition of our magazine nine times a year, including three double numbers (January – February, July – August and November – December). You can find it in most of the information centres all over the Czech Republic always in the first week of the new month. Moreover you can receive it in selected Tourist Fairs.

In the current edition we have focused on customs and habits that the Czechs still keep, or at least strive to keep, in the time of Advent and Christmas. But besides that you will find tips on how and when to spend your winter holiday in the Czech Republic, where you will find culture and sports events, or where you can relax. No matter if it is your first visit in the Czech Republic or you are our regular visitors, we will be happy if you leave our country with a piece of it not only in a traditional bottle of Becherovka but also on the pages of our Travel EYE.

Luděk Sládek

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