Travel EYE January - February 2008

01.01.2008 | 19:11

In the beginning of every year I always realize that I am yet another year older. I recapitulate what the old year brought and what it took away and I hope that the new one will be better. On behalf of our editorial and publishing house Baset I would like to wish you a happy New Year, full of content, personal and private successes and last but not least health. It is the most important thing and you can´t do without it. You can have everything but health is just one.

The long-term weather forecast for January says it will be freezing and maybe even snowing. It is a good reason to take out your dusty skis, sleighs, bobsleighs and other winter equipment, put it in order and set off for snowy hills and mounds. Such a winter holiday could be the right thing. You will go skiing, alpine or cross-country or just go for a walk. You will take the fresh air and get a healthy tan. Some motion will not harm anybody. And if you are cold, a cup of warm tea, grog or mull will certainly heathen you up. But it could be too much of a good thing. Rather warm you up by motion than by alcoholic beverages.

Anyway, winter is the best time for children. Just after the first white snowflakes have fallen down they are on slopes and hills sledging, sliding, building snowmen, snowballing and rolling in snow. No matter if it is freezing or snowing, the same if they have soaked shoes, mittens and red noses, they just enjoy winter joys.

New year resolutions belong to the New Year. A lot of us, still under the influence of the New Year´s Eve high, promise to stop smoking, drinking, to eat healthily and to get slimmer. But in the course of time these promises vanish, the will loosens up and we are there again where we had been before. So what about a resolution that we will try to improve something on us. Because nobody of us is perfect.

Martina Štěpánková
Vice Editor-in-Chief

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