Travel EYE April 2008

31.03.2008 | 23:57

Dear readers,
One would say that the sun is shining and temperature would be about 15 degrees above zero in spring. But outside the situation is quite different. Winter as if didn’t want to pass her rule to spring. But we hope that it will do it soon anyway and we will enjoy the first spring sunshine. Positive is that we can watch light green grass growing, trees are slowly budding and also several violets are bursting. People are still skiing in the mountains but soon snow will disappear even from there.

Almost everybody is looking forward to the spring after long winter. We will exchange coats, winter anoraks, caps and gloves for light jackets and jumpers. We will smell fresh grass, listen to birds singing, go for longer walks. April weather can be whimsical, so you should better put warm clothes on.

With spring coming the turistic season starts as well. Gates of castles and chateaus are opening, sport fans are dusting off their bikes, skates, rockets, skateboards and other sport equipment. But if you set out for a trip on foot, or on a bike, please take care – in particular on bike or in-line skates. Remember crash helmet, knee and elbow caps. One never knows when can fall on the ground!

Turistic season is important also in holiday planning. Some will go to the seaside, other would prefer local holiday. Each of us needs something different for their relaxation: some like thirty-degree-heats, some like colder mountain climate. It depends. The point is to have a proper rest and get new energy.

Arrival of spring not only awakes the nature, but also animals from their dormancy. They leave their dens, beds and holes, and bringing out their young. But with spring there is another phenomenon connected: so called spring fatigues. Long winter, lack of light and fresh nutrition leave their traces. Even those, who feel relatively at ease, shouldn’t underestimate this and help their bodies to get some new energy. Go outside, have a little exercise on fresh air and in the sunshine! Also some vitamins can help you to be fit. So – set out for the first spring trips!

Martina Štěpánková

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