Travel EYE May 2008

01.05.2008 | 14:31

Dear readers,
I don’t know what your perceptions of the time are, but mine are running very quickly. Not long ago I was writing the editorial for April number, and now you have a May copy in front of you.

Outside everything is greening, blooming, air is warmer and warmer. April brings along variable weather. Sometimes it was sunshine, sometimes raining, sometimes even snowing. You had some last opportunities to go skiing.

May is known as a month of love and boring something new. I mean that a lot of animals takes their young from dens outside. For them May is a test of surviving. But we, humans, consider May to be a month of love. In this country there is a tradition that on May 1st a man should kiss a woman under a cherry tree in blossom, otherwise she would “get dry“. But also there is a tradition that if you get married in May, you won’ t be happy. If it is true, I don’ t know for sure. People say so. We also celebrate the working day on May 1st. It is an international day of the working class, which came into existence in 1889 as a remembrance of the strike of American workers in Chicago on May 1, 1886.

May is also enouncing aproaching holiday and summer rest. If you haven’ t time to plan it yet, you can use our inspirations. I am going to bike in Šumava forests, as usual. And I’d like to recommend it to you, too. Lipno and its surrounding is ideal not only for an active holiday, but also for passive holiday makers. It depends on what you like and prefer.

And what we offer to you in our May magazine? A lot of things. You will find many tips for hiking and for trip destination in the Czech Republic, also some stories, and – last but not least – a programme of numerous cultural and sports events. It is nice weather outside, so why to sit at home? A new touristic season has started, so brush your bikes, three-wheelers, scooters, in-line skates, solid footwear, back-packs and set out to the countryside. Fresh air is waiting for you!!

Martina Štěpánková

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