Travel EYE July - August 2008

29.06.2008 | 22:03

Dear Readers,
We can be very joyful because July has arrived. Summer is ahead and brings long awaited holiday and free days. Most of us are going to leave our offices happily and become unvisible for work duties. But some of us will have to stay at work, even at the time of holidays. But everybody need to have a rest, and relax their body and soul as well. No doubt about it.

July and August are the months when we leave the rhythm of our ordinary days and take some days off. We pack our luggages and backpacks, get in our cars or on buses, trains, planes or ships, and set out for a holiday. Before we get to the destination of our dreams, we have to survive some traffic jams, delays, missed departures… But we are sure we will get sometime where we want and that we will spend several beautiful and restful days there. If only it doesn‘t rain all week, our luggage arrive at the place safe, we won‘t break a leg or something. But everything can happen, so you‘d rather be careful!

This summer copy od our magazine brings several tips for a family holiday, for a nice rest, for some short trips. The only thing you must do is to choose one. It is not necessary to spend each holiday at the seaside. Mostly you only get sunburns, and before your skin is calm again, you should start packing your suitcase and return home. In the Czech Republic, there usually are no sunburns. Sushine is mild, and water in ponds and lakes is cool, so refreshing. There are numerous places which are worth visiting. Either you go up the hills, or down the valleys, you will see beautiful countrysides and can enjoy some fun. And after you come back in the evening, you can have a cold Czech beer, or a nice glass of Moravian wine.

The summer is ahead and we can choose how to spend it. Wish you a nice holiday!

Martina Štěpánková
Vice Editor-in-Chief

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