Travel EYE October 2008

30.09.2008 | 14:12

Dear Readers,
The summer is definitely over, and outside there is only cold, bad weather and mist. Temperatures during the days are approaching zero. But I believe that several days of Indian Summer will still come! At least the meteorologists say so…


For me, October is a crosiing month into winter. It is not either warm, neither cold, the weather is quite strange, chilling and kindless. One remembers summer hot days and holidays. And also prepares to the long winter period. Days are shortening, nights are longer, and we might get the feeling that the time is standing. You can catch a flu almost everywhere, and this year also feared jaundice. Don‘t forget to wash your hands as often as possible!

Autumn weather brings autumn moods, which is seldom optimistic. We prefer being alone, become more introvert. Some may be endangered by depressions and season disorders. Take more care about yourself, and enjoy beautiful colourful autumn days.

We offer you many tips how to enjoy relaxation vacations. You can have a rest in a spa, wellness centres, or aquaparks. Have a warm bath in jacuzzi or sauna, walk on spa colonades and drink healing water from spa springs. If you prefer hiking, you can set out for Southern Moravia or visit pictoresque ponds in Southern Bohemia.

Try to keep yourself from autumn depression and blues. Look around you, and you will see how autumn is blazing with colours and motley, so why you should to scowl at it?

Martina Štěpánková
Vice Editor-in-Chief

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