Travel EYE January - February 2009

01.01.2009 | 00:42

Dear Readers,
Christmas and New Year´s celebrations are over, and we can have an active relaxation. Czech and Moravian mountains are covered with snow and inviting their visitors, crosscountry skiers, and downhill skiers as well. People have been enjoying snow and winter sports in the mountains since last December, and weather forecasts promise that snow and frost will stay all over the winter.


And one more thing: you must have noticed a new thing in our magazine Travel EYE. It won´t be published only in English, but in German because there are a lot of German tourists coming to this country each year. We hope that our country will become in the future a favourite destination for more and more people who are enjoying their holiday here.

Petr Šrain, redaktor

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Nesouhlas se zpracováním Vašich osobních údajů byl zaznamenán.

Váš záznam bude z databáze Vydavatelstvím KAM po Česku s.r.o. vymazán neprodleně, nejpozději však v zákonné lhůtě.

Váš hlas byl započítán. Děkujeme.