Travel EYE May 2009

02.05.2009 | 16:49

Dear readers,
I am happy to say that this year spring is trying its best. Hopefully, it will continue the trend it started for the rest of its days. It is true that the three traditional “frozen” days on May 12, 13 and 14 still lay ahead of us, but maybe it won’t be that bad. With luck it will not aff ect the South Moravian fruit growers and this year’s harvest of traditional fruit, as a source of spirits of various colours and tastes, will be even more plentiful than in previous years.

The tourist season really got going in April, when the gates of Czech castles and chateaux swung open. In May nature has fully awaken and it is high time to get involved in some outdoor activities. Our country has recently experienced a real cycling boom and places such as Šumava, theJizerské and Orlické Mountains started being invaded by all different kinds of cycling fans. In the May Travel EYE you will fi nd a lot of ideas for where to set off for a biking trip, so you can see for yourselves that there is something about all that peddling after all.
Petr Šrain, Editor

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