Travel EYE July - August 2009

01.07.2009 | 00:00

Dear readers,
Holidays, the period of summer vacations and warm sunny days often spent near the water are fi nally here. July and August are probably the most popular months of the year and not just for school children.

As the hustle and bustle of daily life in the cities and towns calms down, the countryside, historical sites, swimming pools and other places of summer leisure are inundated with holiday-makers.
The Travel EYE Summer Special, which you are now reading, clearly shows that the Czechland has places to off er even on hot days. Not having a sea is no problem. After a rainy June, woods will be full of mushrooms, popular water pools are without algae and so ideal for swimming. Many towns have prepared interesting cultural events and recently the summer in the Czech Republic has been inherently connected with the phenomenon of music festivals. So don't hesitate, come and enjoy a colourful holiday in this country.
Petr Šrain, Editor

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