Travel EYE November-December 2009

01.11.2009 | 22:28

Dear readers,
This winter issue is full of revelry and illuminated trees, which the Advent period culminates with. I would like to invite you to our beautiful towns which stage pre-Christmas markets and interesting events that will prepare you nicely for Christmas. Do you look forward to this period?

Do you like the smell of potpourri and hot mulled wine? If you do, I sincerely recommend drinking this delicious beverage in the mountains, get well frozen on the slopes and then sit down in a hot sauna. Winter resorts are busy with preparations and full of expectations of how much snow we will have this year. We will just have to wait to see if Christmas Eve brings us glistening snow. And the pre-Christmas bustle? Don’t let it enter your homes; these are not the wacky races, but days of peace and quiet. I hope your Christmas and New Year’s Day will be contended and peaceful. I would like to wish you a Happy Christmas and hope you start the New Year on a lucky note.
Kristina Leštinová, Editor

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