Písek from High

29.05.2008 | 18:42
Písek from High

Písek from HighYou can view the town of Písek from two sides. The watch tower Jarník can be found on the hill of Kraví hora east from the town in Písecké hory mountains. It was built in 1997 and if you climb all 182 stairs there, you are rewarded the unique view of Písek and its surrounding. And if the weather is promising, you will see over the gate of Southern Bohemia.

Jarník is accessible for free all year round and two opposite staircases would satisfied even the most demanding watchers. If you get tired after the climbing there, you can have refreshment in a near touristic chalet (BTW, the scenes of the favourite Czech comedy Hogo fogo Homolka were shot there). The view of Písek and its surrounding from west also the watch tower „Na Kamýku“ offers. It is the youngest among its colleagues, being built only in 2007. You can find it over the village Velké Nepodřice, several kilometres from Písek in Strakonice direction. It is also accessible for free and the view confirm that the Písek surrounding is one big “garden“. You can also go mushrooming or berry picking in the local woods. Both places can be easily reached on foot or on a bike.

Písek from High

Písek from High

Information Centre Písek
Heydukova 97, 397 01 Písek
Tel./Fax: +420 382 213 592
E-mail: icpisek@mupisek.cz

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