Vimperk – at the Edge of the Boubín Forest

28.11.2007 | 17:54
Vimperk – at the Edge of the Boubín Forest

A picturesque town in the south of Bohemia, rightly called “Šumava´s Gate” or a town at the edge of the Boubín forest, became renowned thanks to its glass industry and book printing. Today it is a sought-after tourist target and that´s not only in the summer season but still more often during the winter. If you visit this town in the last month of the year you will find it beautifully dressed in the Christmas atmosphere.

We cordially invite you to...

Christmas Tree Lighting on December 1

Christmas Markets on December 8

New Year´s Eve Rides on December 31


Tourist Information Centre Vimperk
Náměstí Svobody 42
385 01 Vimperk
Tel.: +420 388 411 894
Fax: +420 388 414 822

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