Time for Alpine Skiing, Cross-country Skiing and Ice-skating

29.12.2007 | 11:18
Time for Alpine Skiing, Cross-country Skiing and Ice-skating

Vimperk – a town by the forest Boubín, often called Šumava´s gate, with its dominant – the castle – is situated in the close neighbourhood of the National Park Šumava. Šumava´s plains are a paradise for all skiers. Regularly maintained ski tracks connect tourist centres with remote parts of Šumava.

In the town:

Ski Resort Vodník (Waterman) – a resort with technical snow-production for cross-country skiing.

Winter stadium – public skating in weekends and on holidays.

Refreshment and accommodation facilities available, in bad weather you can visit the town’s cultural centre with cinema and regular culture programme. (www.mesk-vimperk.com)

© foto: Jan Plánek

Information Centre Vimperk
Náměstí Svobody 42, 385 01 Vimperk
Tel.: +420 388 411894

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