Wandering with the Carp Jakub

01.05.2008 | 12:02
Wandering with the Carp Jakub

Wandering with the Carp JakubThe touristic information centre in Vimperk prepares for opening of this year touristic season a wandering for elementary schools children around the town of Vimperk.

• Date: June 14, 2008 from 10.00 am till 12.00 am
• Start – end: The touristic information centre
• Internet for children today for free
• Attention! The participants number is limited, please enroll in time!
• The application should be sent by May 30, 2008, or handed in in the Centre

Each of succesful participants will get a small reward and refreshment. Come in a good mood, take your parents and/or grandparents with you, and don’t leave a raincoat and a pen at home.

Wandering with the Carp Jakub
Wandering with the Carp Jakub




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