Tábor Meetings

01.09.2009 | 00:00
Tábor Meetings

Every year the cultural summer in Tábor reaches a climax with the Tábor Meetings, an international historical festival. Would you like to meet Jan Žižka in person? How about travelling back several centuries in time for a while and enjoying a romantic experience? Then you really must not miss out on the medieval Hussite festivitie - Tábor Meetings.


The 18th year of the international historical festival called “Tábor Meetings” will take place on September 11 – 13, 2009.

This year, for the eighteenth time, the centre of the town will turn into a Hussite bastion for 3 days, going back more than fi ve hundred years to the period when the commander of Tábor was Jan Žižka of Trocnov. The town will come alive with the unique atmosphere of history, processions, fi rework displays, medieval markets, sword fi ghting and jousting. To put it simply, we have no time for boredom here.

Tábor is a perfect place for historical festivities.

The old centre with its squares, winding lanes and ample greenery behind the town walls imparts festivals with an unrepeatable atmosphere, which you will defi nitely not find elsewhere. This year you can look forward to concerts by popular singers and bands such as Lucie Bílá, Mňága & Žďorp, revel in the Cuban and Latin rhythms of the Mezcla group or Celtic rock performed by České srdce.

Accept the invitation of the town of Tábor and the Tábor Endowment Fund - Tábor Meetings


Fri. Sep. 11 – ceremonial opening

  • torchlight procession through the town
  • fireworks

Sat. Sep. 12 – medieval market

  • sword fighting performances
  • Old Czech fair
  • historical procession through the town
  • performance of Czech and foreign ensembles
  • children’s paradise

Sun. Sep. 13 – European Heritage Day

More about the programme at www.tabor.cz.

Tábor Information Centre
Žižkovo náměstí 2, 390 01 Tábor
Tel.: +420 381 486 230 (232-3)
E-mail: infocentrum@mutabor.cz

Tábor Meetings Tábor Meetings Tábor Meetings Tábor Meetings

Tábor Meetings Tábor Meetings Tábor Meetings

Tábor Meetings Tábor Meetings Tábor Meetings Tábor Meetings

Tábor Meetings Tábor Meetings

Text on view from Tourist magazine

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