Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century

01.09.2009 | 00:00
Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century

Žižka’s Town in the 21st CenturyThanks to its chequered history, architectural sites as well as its interesting landscape, the town of Tábor is one of the tourist Czechland. This, the second largest South Bohemian by the Hussites in 1420 at the place of a former fortifi historical core still has its medieval character and due development system it has been declared an urban conservation area.

A pleasant walk through the romantic niches and winding lanes of the Old Town can be enlivened by climbing up the tower of the former Kotnov Castle. A visit to the medieval underground passageways or a walk along the preserved town walls will be an enjoyable experience.

An oasis of peace sitting amidst a busy town can be found in the Botanical Garden with the Secondary Agricultural School, the second oldest in the CR.

As to other spots worth visiting we can recommend the "Tábor Treasure" exhibition or a nearby place of pilgrimage, a Baroque church in Klokoty. The town centre itself boasts the oldest valley reservoir in all of Central Europe, called Jordan.


Tábor Information Centre
Žižkovo náměstí 2, 390 01 Tábor
Tel.: +420 381 486 230 (232-3)
E-mail: infocentrum@mutabor.cz

Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century

Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century

Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century

Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century Žižka’s Town in the 21st Century

Text on view from Tourist magazine

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