Indian Summer in the Southern Moravia

31.08.2008 | 15:57
Indian Summer in the Southern Moravia

Indian Summer in the Southern Moravia Holidays are over and everyday stress is beginning. But we have several tips for you how to spend a nice weekend with your children. For instance here at us, in the Southern Moravia

Family Experiental Weekend
A family weekend in a calm surroundings of the Brno dam, where you can – next to the relaxation in the hotel wellness centre – enjoy also a steamboat ride across the Brno dam, or visit two lately born youngs of the sea bear in the nearby ZOO. Weekend Package includes: 2x accomodation in three-star hotel (a baby cot available); parking at the hotel; internet connection in the hotel hall; 15% sale in the hotel restaurant; 2x entrance fee to the wellness for the whole family; a steamboat ride to the castle Veveří; entrance fee to the ZOO.
Prize from 3.720,- CZK (2 adults + a child under 6 years old).

Indian Summer in the Southern Moravia

A Weekend in the Mesozoic Era
This is a weekend in the heart of Moravia – in a pictoresque town of Vyškov. You can visit a well-known Aquapark, Aircaft Museum, the Museum of the Vyškovsko Region, or a Western Town in Boskovice (25 km), ride a bike on vineyard bikepaths of the Southern Moravia (Kyjov 20 km), go to the Punkva caves in Moravian Carst (30 km), the castles in Bučovice and Slavkov, or to the old town of Kroměříž.
Sojourn prize includes: 2 nights in *** hotel incl. breakfast (lunch and supper can be bought in a stylish hotel restaurant), 2 entrance fees to the ZOO + DinoPark. The DinoPark is a unique exhibition of Mesozoic Era life-size lizards in the town park, where you can take a famous DinoExpres.
Sojourn prize 1.150,- CZK / person.

Indian Summer in the Southern Moravia

Hodonín ZOO and Flood-plain Forrests
In the region of Moravian Slovácko, in Hodonín and its surrounding, not only architectural sighseeings, high quality wine, folk customs and folklor can be found, but also beautiful natural corners, among others flood-plain forrests with its fauna and flora. In Hodonín you can spend an interesting weekend, full of experiences and knowing new things. Modern ZOO, the castle in Milotice, Velkomoravské Mikulčice with museums and archeological excavations, wine cellars in Prušánky and Petrov, or historical wine cellars in Čejkovice.
Weekend Package includes: 2 x nights in the category H*** hotel with breakfast, a ride by the ship Konstancie over the river of Morava through flood-plain forrests, a visit to the ZOO, basic map and brochure materials.
Weekend Package prize: 1959,- CZK / person.

Indian Summer in the Southern Moravia

Indian Summer in the Southern Moravia

Indian Summer in the Southern Moravia

Indian Summer in the Southern Moravia

Indian Summer in the Southern Moravia

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