Why Don’t You Saddle Up Your Bike and Take Your Family to Jáchymov!

01.07.2010 | 00:00
Why Don’t You Saddle Up Your Bike and Take Your Family to Jáchymov!

This season for the fi rst time Jáchymov will open its spa to families with children. Jáchymov folk were always keen on children, but only this year have they managed to create suitable conditions for them, says Spa Sales Director Ing. J. Vaňková.

Apart from a modern Aquacentre with paddling pool and toboggan, children can enjoy various other treatments plus many trips and sporting activities. The programme for VITAL children is an attractive alternative to sitting in front of a computer all day.
If you wish to indulge in hiking, biking or relaxing, Jáchymov spa will provide you with perfect conditions. Accommodation, meals of your choice, entertainment as well as much needed relaxation. And if you desire a little time just for yourselves, our trained specialists will take care of your children for you. Your young ones will receive a welcoming gift and during the holiday each child under 12 can qualify for a discount of up to 40%!
The unique scenery of the Krušné Mountains entices one to go for walks. It is a real paradise for hiking and cycling tourists. Those who do not wish to bring their bikes by public transport or car can hire them in the Jáchymov Spa. Those who just want to walk and admire Mother Nature’s beauties can hire the ever more popular sticks for Nordic walking. Put simply, whatever you desire – you can fi nd in Jáchymov.


- First Radon Spa in the World
T. G. Masaryka 415, 362 51 Jáchymov
tel.: +420 353 833 333, fax: +420 353 834 567
e-mail: info@laznejachymov.cz

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