Podorlicko Region on a Bike

31.12.2008 | 22:52
Podorlicko Region on a Bike

Podorlicko Region on a Bike Despite teher is stil winter and cold outside, we would like to offer you a tip for a nice summer holiday. If you like cycling, the Podorlicko Region is a true destination for you. Bike paths along the river of Orlice will be enjoyed especially by the families with children.

In Kostelec nad Orlicí and its surrounding you will spend a great time. You can fi nd a good accomodation, stylish restaurants, fun and sport centres here. also sport grounds, fi tcentres, bowling or skateparks can be found here as well. Canoeing can be enjoyed on the river of Divoké Orlice, the part from Kostelce nad Orlicí to the confl ux with Tichá Orlice river. From here you can continue to Hradec Králové city, where you fi nd three educational routes, one of them will show you a part of the city history. You can also visit an interesting and unique New Castle of Kinský in Kostelec, Sternberg Castle in Častolovice, the castle of Bubnů of Litice in Doudleby, the castle and ruins in Potštejn. You can also climb to the watch tower over Vrbice, meditate during watching beautiful countryside from the pigrimage destination of Homol. Contact us at our Infocentre, and we will prepare a stay specially for you!

? Do you know who I. J. Pěšina was? Write the answer by February 10, 2009 to our address, or to souteze@kampocesku. cz. Three of you who know the correct answer will get gifts from RTIC Kostelec nad Orlicí.

Podorlicko Region on a Bike

Kostelec n. O.

Podorlicko Region on a Bike

New Castle in Kostelec n. O.

Podorlicko Region on a Bike

Potštejn - a castle

Podorlicko Region on a Bike

Potštejn - a castle

Podorlicko Region on a Bike

Vrbice – an outlook tower

Podorlicko Region on a Bike

Potštejn - a camp of Vochtánka

Podorlicko Region on a Bike

A pilgrimage destination of Homol

Podorlicko Region on a Bike

Častolovice – a castle

Podorlicko Region on a Bike

Doudleby – a castle

Regional Tourist and Information Centre

I. J. Pešiny 39, 517 41 Kostelec nad Orlicí
Tel.: +420 494 337 261; Fax: 494 337 262
E-mail: rtic@muko.cz

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