Vamberk “I”

02.05.2009 | 16:49
Vamberk “I”

Vamberk, a small town at the foot of the Orlické Mountains, inherently connected with its famous bobbin lace production, has fi nally seen the opening of its new information centre.

If you decide to pay a visit to Vamberk, do not forget that each exploration of a town thus far unknown to you starts directly in the information centre. Here you can find various tips for sightseeing in the town, trips around the vicinity and other important information, for example about the unique exposition of historical and present day lace production, which is staged in the local Museum of Lace. So if you set out for the Podorlicko Foothills, make sure you include Vamberk in your itinerary.

Vamberk “I”  Vamberk “I”

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