Don´t Believe Everything that People are Saying…

29.12.2007 | 16:28
Don´t Believe Everything that People are Saying…

The development of the tourist business is directly proportional to the amount of money allocated for its start, development and promotion by the state or private sector. The truth is that the state must take the first step, to create suitable conditions, the same holds for the local governments. Only after the first tourists appear, the first entrepreneurs come and the circle closes. It is said that time is money, but already Jan Neruda, the Czech writer, claimed “Time is money but money doesn´t equal time. Without money you still can do a lot but without time nothing.”

It is sad to read in some statistics that one certain region ranks in such or so place in tourist visit rate. Here, we should realize that there are only three sorts of lies. A small lie, a big lie and statistics. Therefore one of my colleagues recently said: don’t throw in the towel, which applies not only to Eastern Bohemia. Moreover, he believes that all of those who has contributed to the development of tourism should be placed on a pedestal and not in obscurity. People can’t only work, they must relax as well and therefore leisure has become one of the senses of life. It gave rise to a business called the tourist industry, which is a driving force in our economy. With its volume, employment share and job creation it belongs among our most important economic sectors. However, no cross, no crown...


I am convinced that Eastern Bohemia is a classical example of how to create something out of nothing. During the last 15 years places that nobody had ever heard about were opened for visitors, and today they are well-known resorts. The Giant Mountains, the Eagle Mountains, the Bohemian Paradise, the Žďárské hills, the Broumov Region, the Iron Mountains or towns such as Litomyšl, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Polička, Dobruška certainly belong to them. After all, who hasn’t heard about the Třebechovice Crib, the Crafts Museum in Letohrad, Fort Hanička, the open-air museum in Veselý hill, the Anenské and Bohadaneč spas, Potštejn Castle or Pardubice castle? These and other icons of Eastern Bohemia were perhaps the first ones, but today there are many more, and we will tell you more about them in some of the future numbers.



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