Celebrations in Our Town!

31.03.2008 | 23:34
Celebrations in Our Town!

Celebrations in Our Town!Celebrations in Our Town!The original settlement of Rychnov nad Kněžnou, at that time the settlement near the river Kněžná ford, dates back to years around 1258. It gave the status of town in 1488 - Rychnov Soukenický. Soukenický means the reputation of local drapers’ products which were renowned far and near for centuries.

Today the town has rich social and cultural life. It is proud of its celebrities who were born there and organizes cultural celebrations each year: for instance “Jiří Šlitr Summer“ or “Karel Poláček Summer“. This year the town is celebrating 750th anniversary and prepared a lot of cultural, sport and social opportunities. During town sightseeing you can visit the Renaissance chateau, the monumental late-Gothic Church of the Holiest Trinity with the bell Kryštof, the third biggest in the Czech Republic, Memorial of the writer Karel Poláček, Regional Jewish Museum, Museum of Orlické mountains, or Museum of toys. More information in our Information Centre.

Celebrations in Our Town!

Celebrations in Our Town!

Celebrations in Our Town!

Celebrations in Our Town!

Celebrations in Our Town!

Celebrations in Our Town!

Celebrations in Our Town!
Celebrations in Our Town!

Rychnov nad Kněžnou
Svatohavelská 105, 516 01 RK
Tel.: +420 494 539 027
E-mail: mic@rychnov-city.cz


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