Hradec Králové

01.05.2010 | 00:00
Hradec Králové

Hradec KrálovéLocated at the confluence of the Elbe and Orlice Rivers in North-east Bohemia, it is one of the largest and most important towns in the CR. It is a metropolis of Eastern Bohemia with a population of one hundred thousand and is a seat of state institutions, important companies, museums, galleries, theatres and other cultural and sporting organisations as well as 6 faculties of three universities.


2010 – Year of Architecture
From the point of view of Czech modern architecture and urbanism, the city has an exceptional position. It has been the centre of progressive development at least three times. First, in the early 20th century when the farsighted Mayor František Ulrich employed the young architect Jan Kotra. For the 2nd time the city excelled in the 1920s, when the same Mayor engaged Josef Goár in systematic development co-operation with the city. And finally, Hradec Králové became the centre of attention in 1947, when at the Paris international housing exhibition it introduced its development concept designed by Goár’s pupils (J. Havlíek and F. Bartoš). In the early 21st century Hradec Králové gives a chance to contemporary architecture. At present, the most important and discussed structure is undoubtedly the new building of the Study and Research Library..., awarded the title of 2009 Building of the Year.

Jakub Potek

2010 has been declared the year of architecture in Hradec Králové and various accompanying events will be held there to commemorate this fact, such as:
May 18 – Sep. 26,Josef Gočár (1880-1945): Creator of the Modern Hradec Králové – The exhibition will introduce mainly those projects, which were designed by Josef Goár for Hradec Králové, but unfortunately were never realised.
Jun. 21 – Aug. 31, White Nights on the Small Square – Artistic and light decoration of the Small Square area
Sep. 8 – 9, Gočár Symposium with the participation of historians, archivists and architects will evaluate the last hundred years of the development of Hradec Králové, which became an example of a well-thought out building concept of a modern town.
Jul. 1 – Oct. 30, Hradec Architects’ Salon - An exhibition of contemporary creations produced by architects working in Hradec Králové.
All year round - Walk Thru Gallery - Walk Thru Gallery – A gallery in the public area of the busiest pedestrian subway in the city under Karla IV Avenue./p>

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Statutory City of Hradec Králové
Československé armády 408
502 00 Hradec Králové

Hradec Králové  Hradec Králové  Hradec Králové

Text on view from Tourist magazine Hradec Králové

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