Walking around Magical Hradec Králové with Gustav, the Lion Cub

01.05.2010 | 00:00
Walking around Magical Hradec Králové with Gustav, the Lion Cub

Walking around Magical Hradec Králové with Gustav, the Lion CubWalking around Magical Hradec Králové with Gustav, the Lion Cub “At night when the old houses on the Large Square fall asleep, a small creature jumps out from one of the cellars, holding a little stone. And when it taps it on the ground magical things will start to happen...”

Walking around Magical Hradec Králové with Gustav, the Lion Cub Not many people know that ancient houses are homes to pixies. They are good, merry, caring and they conscientiously protect their houses against goblins such as malice, envy, lies and pride. Once a year, all the pixies and fairies meet up at the Holy Spirit Cathedral to chat and share tips on how to best protect their houses. Why don’t you come with us to take a look where pixies and fairies live, learn a little about the city history, peep into ancient lanes and corners or try to build the city landmark – White Tower! From June to September we are awaiting you in Hradec Králové :-)



Walking around Magical Hradec Králové with Gustav, the Lion Cub Walking around Magical Hradec Králové with Gustav, the Lion Cub Walking around Magical Hradec Králové with Gustav, the Lion Cub

Text on view from Tourist magazine Walking around Magical Hradec Králové with Gustav, the Lion Cub

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