Where to Set off on a Trip from Rychnov nad Kněžnou?

01.05.2010 | 00:00
Where to Set off on a Trip from Rychnov nad Kněžnou?

Where to Set off on a Trip from Rychnov nad Kněžnou? A good idea for a family trip is the route leading to Velný wood park, Ivanské Lake and Studánka, which will take you to the picturesque valley of Javornický Brook, a mere 3 km from Rychnov nad Knžnou. The place itself has been a popular tourist destination for town residents and its visitors for more than 2 centuries.

The dense network of walking and cycling paths will first take you under Ivanská Rock, where after climbing some ten meters you will ascend to a platform with an observation gazebo and the cave of Ivan, the hermit. This place is connected with several legends about the recluse himself, but apparently it was also a  hiding place of the Czech Brethren. The gazebo is a pleasant resting place commanding a nice view of the valley. Leaving the rock behind you will come to the most sought-after place of the entire natural park, Ivanské Lake. The romantic water basin with an island is not a true natural lake but an artificial reservoir from 1907 stretching over 82 m.
From Ivanské Lake it is under a kilometre to another point of interest, which is Studánka (Water Spring). The profuse local spring area was used for spa purposes, which is manifested by the brick chapel above one of the springs.
The former spa buildings with a restaurant were erected in the 18th century and are today under reconstruction. Despite this, the Velný Park is a good tip for a trip from Rychnov nad Knžnou, from where you can follow the red and yellow tourist marks.

Where to Set off on a Trip from Rychnov nad Kněžnou?
Where to Set off on a Trip from Rychnov nad Kněžnou?
Where to Set off on a Trip from Rychnov nad Kněžnou?
10 m high Ivanská Rock
The hundred year old resident and guardian of the lake
Ivanské Lake
Where to Set off on a Trip from Rychnov nad Kněžnou?
Where to Set off on a Trip from Rychnov nad Kněžnou?
Where to Set off on a Trip from Rychnov nad Kněžnou?
Hermitage of Ivan, the hermit
The route is suitable for cyclists, prams and in-line skaters

Town Information Centre
Svatohavelská 105
516 01 Rychnov n. Kněžnou
tel./fax: +420 494 539 027
e-mail: mic@rychnov-city.cz



Text on view from Tourist magazine Where to Set off on a Trip from Rychnov nad Kněžnou?

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