Dvůr Králové nad Labem celebrates the 740th anniversary of the first written record of the town

01.07.2010 | 00:00
Dvůr Králové nad Labem celebrates the 740th anniversary of the first written record of the town

Dvůr Králové nad Labem celebrates the 740th anniversary of the first written record of the townInvitation
The 740th anniversary celebrations will be held on 18.9.2010, featuring a an exciting and interesting program of events for children and adults, great entertainment, and stalls serving delicious refreshments.


Dvůr Králové boasts a wealth of historical, cultural and artistic monuments and places of interest. The dominant landmark is the decanal Church of Saint John the Baptist with its 64-metre-high tower, and it is defi nitely worth visiting the historical centre of the town, which was declared a conservation area in 1990, or the municipal museum with its permanent exhibition on the history of the town.
You can see some remarkable sights in the zoological gardens, where you will fi nd all kinds of exotic creatures in unique animal houses and spacious runs with great herds of animals, which you can take a drive through in summer in our two-storey safari bus.
In the surrounding area you shouldn’t miss out on a visit to the Baroque complex of Kuks, as well as the natural gallery of sculptures carved directly into the rock formations by M. B. Braun, and the permanent natural exhibition – The Story of Man’s Hope’s and Suff ering, or the Forest Kingdom Dam, which is one of the largest in the Czech Republic.
Whether you are coming to see the sights, to relax, for sports, or just fancy a visit, the royal dowry town of Dvůr Králové nad Labem has plenty to off er.

Dvůr Králové nad Labem celebrates the 740th anniversary of the first written record of the town

Cultural events in 2010
24.-25. 9. Celebrating the 120th anniversary of the Grammar
School in Dvůr Králové nad Labem.
4. 9. Club Day and country music show – presentation of local clubs and organisations Venue: Hrubá Luka, Dvůr Králové n. L.

Dvůr Králové nad Labem celebrates the 740th anniversary of the first written record of the town

Text on view from Tourist magazine Dvůr Králové nad Labem celebrates the 740th anniversary of the first written record of the town

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