The News from Český ráj

01.05.2008 | 12:13
The News from Český ráj

The News from Český ráj Would you like to see seven world wonders on several square kilometers? Then you should come to Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj)! Your guide can be our seasonal touristic newspaper.

The main theme of this year is mysterious places, magical and esoteric spots. The touristic newspaper brings also tips for bike trips and hiking, advice how to spend your free time here and some competitions. The page for children is a must, they will find a favourite touristic game “Bohemian Paradise legends“ here. As an addition you will find touristic busses timetables, a programme of cultural events from May to September, or overview of sightseeings incl. Opening hours, entrance fees and contacts.

We are looking for you, where else you spend your time better then in paradise!

The News from Český ráj

Town information Centre Turnov

nám. Českého ráje 26
511 01 Turnov
Tel.: +420 481 366 255-6

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