Fairy-tale Region Opavské Slezsko

01.05.2008 | 12:53
Fairy-tale Region Opavské Slezsko

Fairy-tale Region Opavské Slezsko Touristic region Opavské Slezsko is located in the heart of the Moravian-Silesian district. On a relatively small territory between the Jeseníky Mountains and the Beskydy Mountains there can be found numerous mesmeric places, historical sightseeings, and preserved technical monuments. Hiking and cycling lovers will be pleased by a lot of marked paths.

Among historical jewels of the touristic region Opavské Slezsko counts the castles in Hradec nad Moravicí and Raduň. These castles were appreciated as the most beautiful fairy-tale castle or chateau of the Czech Republic in the inquiry of National Memorial Institute this year. Originally Renaissance castle in Radu was rebuilt in the 19th century into a classicism residence and is a favourite destination. You can have a nice walk in the castle park and in the empire orangery. The castle of Raduň won the third position in the mentioned inquiry.


Fairy-tale Region Opavské Slezsko

The castle of Raduň

Fairy-tale Region Opavské Slezsko

The castle of Raduň – The Orangery

A vast complex of the White and Red castle in Hradec nad Moravicí with a beautiful countryside park was a favourite among many composer in the past. Ludwig van Beethoven, Niccolo Paganini or Ferenc Liszt – among others – stayed here. This castle is a very attractive destination, which can be proved by the first position in the inquiry “The most beautiful fairy-tale castle or chateau of the Czech Republic“.


Fairy-tale Region Opavské Slezsko

The Red Castle in Hradec nad Moravicí

Fairy-tale Region Opavské Slezsko

The White Castle in Hradec nad Moravicí

Fairy-tale Region Opavské Slezsko

The interior of The Red Castle in Hradec nad Moravicí

Please welcome to our touristic region Opavské Slezsko – the region of fairy-tale castles and many other touristic places of interest which are a must to be seen.

Fairy-tale Region Opavské Slezsko

Fairy-tale Region Opavské Slezsko

Town Information Centre Opava
Horní náměstí 67, 746 26 Opava
Tel.: +420 553 756 143
E-mail: informacni.centrum@opava-city.cz





Fairy-tale Region Opavské Slezsko

Information Centre Hradec nad Moravicí
Opavská 265
747 41 Hradec nad Moravicí
Tel.: +420 553 783 940
E-mail: ic@muhradec.cz

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