Wallachian Fairy-tale

01.06.2009 | 14:40
Wallachian Fairy-tale

Wallachian Fairy-tale Wallachian Fairy-tale Once upon a time, beyond seven mountains, seven rivers and seven forests, there was a kingdom where good people lived happily and contentedly. Yes, you may have guessed, we are going to talk about the Wallachian Kingdom.

The Wallachian Kingdom can be found in Northern Moravia and according to the 2003 census it has 68,984 people, whose main concern is distilling "slivovice" (plum brandy), their national drink, and observing the basic rule of the kingdom. "You may lose everything else but hold on to your humour." If you have just decided to move there, for sure you will be welcomed and your basic rights will be secured ("You may have coal and wood delivered right in front of your cottage") as well as an education at Wallachian Royal University, the fi rst adventure school in the world. You can also enjoy yourselves in the form of "adventure" packages and during various sporting and cultural activities. If your rights are violated, seek justice from the authorities dwelling at Štramberská Trúba Castle, which the Wallachian Kingdom has held since April 1.
Nina Kročilová

Wallachian Kingdom
Dolní 494
744 01 Frenštát pod Radhoštěm
Tel./Fax: +420 556 831 402; 556 839 274
E-mail: info@valasske-kralovstvi.cz

Text on view from Tourist magazine

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