Statutory Town of Opava Municipal House in Opava

01.04.2010 | 00:00
Statutory Town of Opava Municipal House in Opava

Statutory Town of Opava Municipal House in Opava A new cultural and community centre was opened in the building of the former bank in the upper end of Ostrožná Street in Opava. It houses a social hall, gallery and museum exposition, as well as a coff eehouse and club stage.


The Municipal House is a Neo-Baroque building erected according to the design of Viennese architect Rudolf Eisler in 1915. A vast reconstruction of the premises took place in 2009. The exterior of the building was repaired following the original design of the early 20th century. Under the supervision of heritage experts, the historic entry vestibule and monumental stairway hall were restored.
Visitors to the Municipal House can make use of the reception desk services, attend social events staged in the Magistrates Hall or in the modern multigenre Art Club, view an exhibition in the gallery or refresh themselves in the pleasant environment of the Municipal Coff eehouse. Seminars, smaller social meetings, discussions and private cultural events (birthday parties, company functions – etc.) can be held in Schössler’s Lounge. The room is decorated with replicas of historical postcards, documenting the changes of the town of Opava during the times of Mayor Schössler. The terrace adjoining the lounge area commands an interesting view of the roofs of buildings located in the Opava centre.

Opava Cultural Organisation Municipal House
Obecní dům
Ostrožná 46, 746 01 Opava
tel.: +420 553 791 947


Statutory Town of Opava Municipal House in Opava  Statutory Town of Opava Municipal House in Opava  Statutory Town of Opava Municipal House in Opava  Statutory Town of Opava Municipal House in Opava

Text on view from Tourist magazine

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