In Our Region Relaxation Awaits Everyone

01.10.2009 | 00:00
In Our Region Relaxation Awaits Everyone

In Our Region Relaxation Awaits EveryoneEnter the world of sensual pleasure, the world of aromas, colours and physical and mental harmony, into the world of magic WELLNESS. The Moravia-Silesian Region offers many possibilities of how to relax in the Beskydy and Jeseníky Mountains. Take your pick from countless relaxation and leisure facilities (wellness centres), aqua-parks, adrenalin centres and golf courses. You only need to decide how you want to relax.


Allow yourself to be pampered with massages, bubble baths, treatments in a salt cave and many others from a wide range of services. Do something for your health and mental contentment. The spa industry has a long tradition in Jeseníky. One of the most interesting spa spots is Karlova Studánka with the cleanest air in the CR. (

In Our Region Relaxation Awaits EveryoneNot far from Ostrava you can fi nd the modern spa grounds of Klímkovice sanatorium, which is a popular destination for spa lovers thanks mainly to the possibility of bathing in the unique curative iodine bromine water. The architectural design of the grounds has received several awards over the years.


In Our Region Relaxation Awaits Everyone However, one must not forget Darkov Spa, which with its good reputation and top-class equipment attracts visitors mainly from abroad, e.g. Arabic countries.


In Our Region Relaxation Awaits Everyone Today, probably the most booming spa of the region is Čeladná, located in the picturesque environment of Beskydy. This spa as the fi rst in the CR started using the benefi cial eff ects of cold temperature therapy in the so-called cryogenic chamber.




In Our Region Relaxation Awaits Everyone Currently, this type of service is off ered by three and more star hotels combined with wellness centres. One for example is Sepetná - Ostravice. Moreover, there are various sports and relaxation centres, such as Fryrelax, Giff arena and many others, which are frequently visited both by domestic and foreign tourists.



In the territory of this region there are aquaparks for example in Olešná, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Sluníčko – Ostravice, BOSPOR in Bohumín and others.

In Our Region Relaxation Awaits Everyone In Our Region Relaxation Awaits Everyone

The Moravia-Silesian Region also off ers a large number of marked tourist paths and cycleways, as well as trips on horseback. You can fi nd here good golf courses, experience centres, entertainment and also interesting information. In winter you can enjoy yourselves in ski resorts or well maintained cross-country skiing tracks. The Moravia-Silesian Region knows how to look after its guests.

In Our Region Relaxation Awaits Everyone

Text on view from Tourist magazine

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